Michigan Edibles

why don't I get high off edibles

It’s time to chill in the Midwest and you and the boys want to unwind after a hectic week. Someone brings a pack of cannabis gummies to the chill spot and everyone eats 1 piece. Forty-five minutes later everyone is smiling and laughing and you don’t feel anything!


On the surface, it would seem that edibles should work for anyone who ingests them. However, there are some people who don’t get high on edibles or gummy edibles.

Why does this happen? Why you might not be able to feel anything from eating an edible. Keep readin’!

Picture of Randi Bagley
Randi Bagley
Randi Bagley is an OG Michigan Cannabis Community Member looking to educate and amplify Michigan Cannabis edibles online.
Metabolism and Edibles

I Ate an Edible and I Don't Feel Anything

There are a variety of reasons why you may not feel anything after eating an edible. The initial is that some people have differences in their body chemistry and metabolism that influence how they react to marijuana edibles, gummies, or standard weed. This does not imply the individual has done something wrong; it’s simply a part of being human!

You can make sure that your medible:

  • Had Enough Time to get through your bloodstream. It takes a THC edible about 30 minutes to 2 hours to fully work into your blood. Until then you won’t feel the effects! 


  • Didn’t Contain Decarboxylated Cannabis. Trying to get high off of gummies that do not contain decarboxylated cannabis is like trying to get drunk by drinking non-alcoholic beer. These are just two different things and you have to be discerning in what you’re buying from a dispensary or even an online retailer!
  • responded to your body. Different types of food and cannabis will have different effects. If you ate a gummy edible and it didn’t work, try a chocolate edible or a hard candy one next time.
  • didn’t impede your metabolism and its ability to transfer THC into your bloodstream.
  • might not work because of a genetic variation. That means you just can’t get high from THC or edibles, or gummies. More on this below.

Remember: If you eat an edible with 100mg THC and it has no effect on you, there’s no way consuming another “dose” will make a difference.

If none of the above things apply to why it didn’t affect you then there’s probably just something genetically wrong with how your body processes THC and/or edibles!

Edibles Don't Work for Me Even Though I Ate Them

Edibles Don't Work for Me Even Though I Ate Them

Decarboxylated Edible Cannabis

When it comes to crafting cannabis edibles, the decarboxylation process is crucial. By taking raw, non-psychoactive THC-A and transforming it into the active THC compound, you unlock its full potential. 

Skipping this step could lead to an edible without the sought-after mind-bending effects. 

So always remember – it may be yummy, but it’s not a cannabis edible if it’s not decarboxylated! 😎🍪

Metabolism and Edibles


Hey, did you know something interesting about THC and edibles? People with fast metabolisms usually experience different effects than those with slower metabolic rates. 

This is because their digestive system breaks the compounds down quicker, which can result in a shorter-lasting impact. 

For instance, when it comes to gummies, those with high metabolism often have a shorter duration of the desired effects compared to those with a slower metabolism.

Genetics Edible Problems

The CYP2C9 Gene and How it Impacts THC Levels in the Body

There is a specific enzyme called CYP2C9 (also known as: CPC9; CYP2C; CYP2C10; CYPIIC9; P450-2C9; P450IIC9) that plays a crucial role in the metabolism and breakdown of drugs like ibuprofen. Similarly, researchers have even identified an enzyme that helps THC go through its three stages of metabolic processes. 

Interesting, isn’t it? People with a gene that enables the faster breakdown of these components have little to no risk of experiencing psychoactivity.

Edible Kick-in Times

Edible Kick-in Times

Edibles take a while to kick in. On the surface, it would appear that you should just eat more gummies to get high but since edible effects are so delayed they will likely give an uncomfortable experience if not given enough time!

You need at least 30 minutes before trying again and then wait another two hours after that for good measure!


Type of Cannabis Edible

If you’ve tried cannabis edible and didn’t feel anything, don’t give up! It may take more time for the effects to kick in. The type of edible that you ate (chocolate bar or brownie) could also be influencing how quickly it takes your body to process the THC. Different edibles will have different levels of potency, so this can make a difference too.

We recommend starting with small doses when experimenting with new types of edibles until you know what works best for your personal needs.

Genetics Edible Problems CYP2C9, CYP-450

Have you ever eaten an edible and not felt anything?


If so, share your story below. 

As a company that specializes in the education of cannabis edibles, our team is always looking for new ways of educating and promoting!


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